We would like to thank everyone for working together to follow the governor’s guidelines for having our pool annex open. Here are a few reminders now that the pool is in use:
- If you bring food to the pool annex, please be sure to clean up all food debris and take empty food cartons with you to dispose of at home. The trash cans at the pool annex are only emptied twice a week on Monday and Friday. Leftover food debris attracts rodents and we want to keep the pool annex pest free.
- If you move the chairs when you come to the pool, please be sure to put them back to their original location when you leave. This helps to keep our pool annex tidy for the next neighbor who wants to enjoy.
- Social distancing and 25% pool capacity rules are still in effect. We will not be able to approve any reservation requests for pool parties until further notice.
- The new stone wall by the splash pad was completed today. We will have the splash pad open on Wednesday.
Help keep our community safe by following a few simple safety measures:
- Please use your garages and driveways for parking. We have received several concerns for all the street parking throughout the community. Do not make it difficult for neighbors to access their driveway.
- Most of all do not park across sidewalks while in your driveway. When your vehicle obstructs the sidewalk neighbors have to go out into the street to go around; kids on bikes, scooters, families with strollers and walking their dogs.
- Watch your speed in the community, everyone is out enjoying the weather
Thank you for being part of such an exemplary neighborhood! We sincerely appreciate your patience and cooperation during these unprecedented times.